Tuesday, June 12, 2007

To My Dearest Miss Fox

I am indeed amongst my relatives at present, but I am still not home. Currently I am residing in Edinburgh with Aunt Florence. I was both amazed and delighted to discover that my Aunt lives in the most fashionable section of New Town. Charlotte Square is certainly at the centre of Edinburgh Society!

Number 12, is elegantly though simply decorated. I was most surprised by my Aunt’s tastes; I would not have imagined that she could have such a lovely home. I have been installed in my own room on the second floor. After residing in such a small attic room for the past months, this spare room seems palatial indeed! And there are servants here to take care of everything! Oh, how delighted I am to be back with civilized society!

My Aunt of course has her rooms on the ground floor. Though all the rooms are generously proportioned for a town dwelling, I was surprised at the lack of a proper book room. There is only the beautiful carved oak case in the parlour and it does not have the greatest selection of literature. I shall endeavour to find the local lending library shortly.

Life is considerably different here, with dinner parties and dances to look forward too and no early hours the following morning. Aunt Florence has promised to invite some people my own age to her next dinner. Thus far I have only met other rather aged persons, all of whom are as respectable as they are wrinkled.

Sir Hailes was the most interesting of last night’s group. He is a prominent lawyer who continues to wear heavily powdered wigs. He says the government may be ‘damned to hell’ for all he cares about them and their foolish taxes. ‘I have worn powder all my life, it would be indecent to be without it! I will not be made a spectacle of over some taxes imposed by this young generation of fools!’

I have not received word from Pippa in sometime now. I thought she was consumed by her studies and thus tardy in her correspondence. It is nothing new. Have you heard something else? I shall write home directly and see what has happened with her.

The one downside of this delightful arrangement is that I am at the beck and call of my Aunt, who is currently calling to me. I suppose I must off to discover what it is she needs.

I hope that you are doing well.

Yours affectionately in distant correspondence,


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