Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My dear 'Cesca,

I cannot convey to you the transports to which I was elevated this afternoon when I discovered your letter in the post. What a mysteriously lumpy package it was, and what curiosity it aroused in my breast! Imagine my beating heart as I tore open the top! For several moments I was afraid it should stop entirely-my heart, that is- and I should be obliged to appeal to Mssrs. Campbell and Whosoeverelseitwas to galvanize me, after which experience I fear I should have never been the same again.

Be that as it may, however, I did eventually overcome my trembling fingers and discover the contents of the envelope. How delightful! I have pinned your lovely flower onto my reticule and shall proudly display it tomorrow to the inhabitants of my cold cell.

Do not be fooled by my little fancy, 'Cesca; I speak figuratively, for of course writing advertisements for ladies' circulating journals and languishing in penal facilities are two quite different things. However I must confess that there are times when it wearies me to be trapped in my library pondering the maximum number of times that the phrase "flawless complexion" can be used in one small box of text before the reader will begin to tire of it and move on to an article about how to delicately withdraw from an engagement without appearing rude. Particularly inasmuch as the weather continues to improve and I frequently long to perambulate about the neighbourhood. What a pity that imminent poverty compels me to be so unladylike as to earn a living, even in so discreet a fashion.

I must trust in your everpresent generosity to forgive me for going on in this fashion about my woes, 'Cesca. Don't believe a word of them, I pray you. And do grace me with a note in return, particularly if you know any words that have a meaning similar to "complexion".

A thousand regards, as well as my fondest wishes for you to stop frittering away your time in the wilds of who-knows-where and convey yourself instantly to my side, coupled finally with my assurances that I remain,

annika fox

1 comment:

Elizabette Langdon said...

Dearest Annika!

I am ever so delighted that you have joined our wee writing circle with such promptness and fantastic phrasing.

The title does indeed sound like an advertisement one find in a woman's magazine!
