Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Very Happy Easter to You, Dearest Cousin!

The most delightful of circumstances has lead to my complete freedom for nearly two whole weeks! Well, perhaps that is taking things a trifle too far, it is after all not precisely delightful that the Family has been quarantined with a fever that has been raging through the city. Though, I am secretly quite pleased that I am not expected to stay as a sick-room nurse. In fact their Nurse is a rather protective soul and quite dislikes my intrusion upon the Family. I suspect she is part of the reason that I am to be kept away until all danger has passed!

The result is that I have had time to myself! A true novelty! I have spent much of the time enjoying the surprisingly lovely weather; it has been quite warm and sunny of late. I have now been able to acquaint myself with much the town and do a bit of shopping.

This past weekend, being Easter, I was a dutiful Christian and attended Easter Service. I went with several of the fellows from the boarding house. Afterwards well all walked down to Glasgow Green, along the Clyde river, before returning for Mrs Murphy’s Easter dinner. It turned out to be a lovely way to pass the day.

I quite enjoyed talking with Professor Campbell and Mr James McDonald, who got into a lively debate about the merits and possibilities surrounding ‘galvanisation’. Professor Campbell does not approve of this attempt to animate the dead by means of electric current. He believes that it is an unnatural practice that our Lord certainly disproves of. However, James thinks it is an important scientific discovery and could lead to great advancements in the area of Anatomy. I confess myself morbidly curious to see such an experiment! Though, I suppose it must be rather gruesome to watch.

Ronald Fergus mused about the propriety of using the dead for scientific research, when clearly they had no say in the matter. It was felt, though, that those sentenced to death for crimes against society were at least now being of use. It was an interesting discussion to be sure! However, we did turn to lighter topics of machines and engines when Juliana expressed her distaste for subject matter. I never knew that steam engines could be so interesting! Nor so terribly important!

James has promised to show me around Glasgow University this week. Since the students are on break, he doesn’t think it will be a problem to sneak me into some of the labs and the library. I am very excited!

As always I hope your studies are going well and that you are having any number of wild adventures!

Your most affectionate,


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